Psychotherapy Sussex
About 40 years ago a number of analysts and psychotherapists living in and around Brighton recognised the need to get together, share ideas, invite speakers to come and talk, and to offer a referral service to members of the public. These therapists had all undertaken different psychotherapy, psychoanalytic and group analytic trainings but the founding members recognised that they all had much in common.
They, therefore, formed an organisation called the Brighton Association of Analytic Psychotherapists that has thrived since its foundation. Over the years the number of therapists living in the area has grown (now there are about 70) and it was recognised that the members were spread widely over Sussex. A couple of years ago, therefore, the group changed its name to Psychotherapy Sussex.
The website gives more details of their activities and also provides a referral service. PS now runs ‘Cinemas of the Mind’ in association with the Depot Cinema in Lewes, where films which are of interest from a psychoanalytic point of view are screened and followed by a discussion – thoroughly recommended!